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Search Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment Men Who Died WW2

This database contains details of the men who served in the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment and died during the Second World War. Links to any war memorials in the United Kingdom that these men are known to exist on are also provided plus photographs of either the men of their graves. The Regiment sort action at Dunkirk, Greece, Syria, Tobruk, Singapore, North Africa, Cape Bon, Chindits, Italy, Cassino, Gothic LIne.

Database contains 1,102 records - 19 January, 2025

This database was compiled by Martin Edwards. For further details of the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment see the Regiments section.

Initially the entries are taken from the 'Army Roll of Honour 1939-45' CD and then the information supplemented with information from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Additional information has then been drawn from other reference documents.

Links are provided to the war memorials that exist on-line for these men wherever pertinent and any photographs also linked. Hopefully this will provide a comprehensive set of information.

Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regimental Museum
Luton Museum
Wardown Park

The Regimental museum collection is housed in the Luton Museum and a gallery is devoted to the history and achievements of the Regiment from 1688 to 1950s. There are displays on the Boer War, World War 1 and World War 2, featuring medals, uniforms, weapons, and equipments.

Tel: (01582) 546719

For further details of the museum see the MOD website.

Commemorated or Buried:

Naval & Military Press Military History Books

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