Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence

Lest We Forget
British Legion
The Royal British Legion


World War 1 & 2 - Detailed information
Compiled and copyright © Martin Edwards 2021

The Eyemouth war memorial is located outside the British Legion Club, Spiers Place, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. The memorial takes the form of a Celtic style cross made from granite with a a three sectioned plinth; the memoirla is inscribed with the names for World Wa r 1 on the front and for World War 2 on the back. The sculptor was Mr John Rhind. The memorial was unveiled December 1920 by Captain G. B. Balfour, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Berwickshire. There are 64 names listed for World War 1, 28 for World War 2, one for Egypt and one for Iraq. The names within each conflict have been sorted into order for ease of reading and research. Cutting from local newspapers are replicated below.

Extract from Berwickshire News and General Advertiser - Tuesday 21 December 1920, page 7:


Eyemouth War memorial was unveiled and dedicatd on Sunday afternoon in the presence of a very large concourse. A service in the Parish Church formed the prelude to the unveiling ceremony. A few minutes before theservice a procession was formed in Home Street, consisting of Eyemouth Ex-Service men, the members of Eyemouth Lodge of St. Ebba in full regalia under Mr David Gray, W.M., and Eyemouth Boy Scouts under Mr White. Headed by Pipe-Major Mackie the procession proceeded to the Church. The Provost and Twon Council, Parish Council, Harbour Trust, and School Management Committee also attended the service. Rev. W. B. Kennedy, B.D., presided over a crowded church. Order of service was: Psalm 124 (2nd version), “Now Israel may say”; Old Testament Lesson, Rev. J. P. Barton; hymn 477, “O God our help”; New Tetsament Lesson, Rev. D. Beale; prayer, Rev. W. F. Moore; hymn 339, “For all the saints”; offertory; Names of the Fallen, Provost Scott; Par. 66, “How bright these glorious Spirits shine!”; Benediction, Rev. J. Miller; Dead March.

The United Choir was under Mr Muir Lang, while Mr David Dougal officiated at the organ.

After the service the congregation assembeled around the Memorial, the relatives being lined up directly in front, with the Ex-service men and Masons behind.

Provost Scott who presided, was supported on the platform by Capt. C. B. Balfour, Newton Don, and Rev. W. B. Kennedy, B.D., Minister of Eyemouth. He said Capt, Balfour was personally well known to the Eyemouth people, and was well known not only as Lord Lieut. of their county, but also as a Border gentleman of high repute, and as a patriotic British gentleman; and had taken great and active interest in alleviating the hardships and difficulties of those who were unfortunate to be disabled in the Great War. Capt. Balfour was present that day to help them in their efforts to perpetuate in Eyemouth the memory of those near and dear to them who had fallen in the Great War, and he was to unveil the Memorial which they had erected to remind them of those gallant and patriotic men who had not returned Home, and who had given their lives in a noble cause. The Provost called upon Capt. Balfour, who said they had done him great honour by asking him to come to Eyemouth to unveil the Memorial to those who had made the supreme sacrifice for the Homeland. They in Eyemouth had been near to the War than any other part of the County. They hereaway on Berwickshire Coast of the North Sea had known what War was. They know firth hand about the sinking of undefended ships by the brutal means adopted b the Huns, and had seen gallant men sent to destruction close to their own Homes. In Eyemouth they had answered the call in a remarkable way. He remembered well the good returns of the recruiting in Eyemouth in the early days of the War before conscription was introduced. Three hundred and twenty-two had joined the Navy and Auxiliary Forces, 201 had joined the Army, and 8 the Royal Air Force, making a total of 531. Out of these 62 had laid down their lives. Many of their gallant neighbours had gone forth familiar with their own element—the Sea—and joined the Navy in one form or another. He could tell them in Eyemouth that on stormy nights, their hearts had gone out to those brave men on the North Sea who were protecting their shores and their Gomes. They had justfied to the full that magnificent sentence which had appeared for 250 years, and which is the preamble of any Act in connection with the Navy which passes Parliament. The welfare and the well-being of the country depended upon those stout hearts who kept the enemy from their shores, amd whose great work for the Empire clminated in the Surrender procession of the german ships which sailed into the Firth of Forth, and which was one of the greatest naval surrenders ever known in the history of the World. Their men had kept watch over the Army crossing to France and Flanders. Imagine what would have happended if the enemy had been allowed to land on their shores. Those who sprang so nobly to arms took up a trade which they were totlly unaccustomed to. They knew nothing of the iron discipline they were to be subjected to, but they never thought of those things; they though(t) only of the best way they could defend their country. That day Eyemouth honoured for all time those who had fallen, and they had erected this memorial in order that they might not forget. But they also must not forget those who did not fall, and had come back to them. They and those who fell, had saved the country. Let that never be forgotten. He was glad to say that no Officer or N.C.O. in the county of Berwick was in necessitous circumstances or in need of help. But, alas, every place was not so, and they must all help the Country generally. That was aprt of the grateful duty laid upon eveyine of them. Those who had fallen had founght for liberty and freedom against might and tyranny. Liberty was triumphant and it was up to them now to maintain freedom. The aftermath of war was terrible, but if they all joined together, and stood shoulder to shoulder as true Britons, and did their best they would make the Country fit for men and women to live in.—Capt. Balfour read the names of the fallen, and thereafter the gathering stood in silence for a moment with bowed heads, as a reerant tribute to the dead.




Capt. Balfour then stepped forward and pulled the cord which undraped the Memorial which was covered with a Union Jack.

United Choir rendered the anthem, “Blest be the Departed,” and after Dedicatory prayer by Rev. W. B. Kennedy, and the singing of the Doxology, Drum-Major Abbot and Bugler Plummer from Depot K.O.S.B., Berwick, sounded Last Post on the bugle, and this was followed by the playing of a lament on the pipes by Pipe-Major mackie. After the sound of Reveille on the bugles, Rev. W. B. Kennedey pronounced the benediction, and the singing of the National Anthem brought to a close one of the most impressive services ever held in Eyemouth, and which touched deeply everyone present.

Relatives and other donors of wreaths then filed past and laid beautiful mementoes at the foot of the Memorial.

Wreaths were from the following:—In loving memory of my two sons, John and William, from Mother. A token of love to Jimmie, from the family. “He died for Freedom and Honour.” In loving memory of William Maltman, from his aunt. In ever loving memory from, Mother and Brothers, 13th Nov., 1917, Victoria House, Eyemouth. In proud and loving memory of out brother and our friends who fell in the Great War. D.D., and J.N.D. From the Brethren of the Lodge of St. Ebba. “We should count time heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.” From the Eyemouth Branch of the Comrades of the Great War. 19th Dec., 1920. From the Provost, Magistrates and Councillors of the Burgh of Eyemouth. From Eyemouth Choral Union. In Gratefull remembrance. “ Dare we gorget, who through their sacrifice. Alive, unscathed in this dear land remains. Freely inheriting the peace they died to gain.” Methodist Congregation, 1914-1918. Eyemouth Parish Church. United Free Church Congregation. Congregational Church Congregation, 1914-1918. Episcopal Church Congregation, 1914-1918. A tribute from the Eyemouth Boy Scouts. Pte Adam Miller, 21st Dec. 1919; In produc and loving memory of our dear Brother and his fallen Comrades; “Lo, I am with you always.” Kind remembrance from Mrs Wadell, Mrs. L. Waddell, and Mr and Mrs R. Waddell. In memory of Alexander Young, from Mrs R Young and Family. In loving memory of our dear Son, Peter—Mr and Mrs Richard Collin. In memory of Peter Cowe, from Mrs W. Cowe and family.

The Memorial which takes the form of a Celtic Cross in Aberdeen granite and which was executed by Mr John S. Rhind, R.S.A., Edinburgh, stands 14½ feet high, and is on 3 bases. It is situated in an excellent posotion just back from the street and in front of the Parish Church. In front are the words “Sacred to the Memory of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of Eyemouth who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918.” Beneath are the words, “Lest We Forget,” and “Those who laid down their lives that we might live.” the names of the fallen are inscribed in black lettering. The names commemorated are:—Royal naval Reserve Trawler Section—Skipper Wm. Collin, Mates James Robert Collin, James Collin, George Craig, Robert Cowe, John Dougal, Daniel Stott. Seamen Robert Angus, George Cormack, James Collin, Peter Collin, Robert Crombie, Aleander Lough, William Maltman, John Patterson, Alex Patterson, John Swanston, James Swinney, John Waddell, James Windram, Andrew C. Young, Alexander Young, William Young, Royal Naval Division—Walter R. Davidson. Officers—Lieut. D. Robertson, M.C., K.O.S.B., Lieut. John Wood, K.O.S.B., Lieut. F. W. H. Renton, Border Regiment, 2nd-Lieut. Eric W. Wright Sandison, Royal Scots; 2nd-Lieut. Thomas Murray Millar, K.O.S.B. Non-Commissioned officers—Corpl. George Craig, K.O.S.B., Corpl. George Leith Dougal, K.O.S.B., Corpl. John Windram, Canadian Force, L.Corpl. Robert Craig, K.S.O.B., L.-Corpl. William Lough, K.O.S.B., L.-Corpl. Robert Thompson, M.M., Scottish Rifles. Private Peter Cowe, R.S., Thomas Arthur Dougl, R.S., John Blakie, K.O.S.B., Thomas Bolton, K.O.S.B., James Burgon, K.O.S.B., William Emslie, K.O.S.B., Alexander FairBairn, K.O.S.B., Joseph Gibson, K.O.S.B., George Johnston, K.O.S.B.; Thomas L Lough, K.O.S.B.; Robert Rae Lough, K.O.S.B.; George Paterson, K.O.S.B.; James Ewart Patterson, K.S.O.B.; David Ritchie, K.O.S.B.; John Waite, K.O.S.B.; Richard Armstrong, N.F.; John Armstrong, B.W.; William Crombie, Sea. H.; Robert Gillie, S.H.; Robert Waddell, A. and S.H.; Alexander Patterson,S.R.; Robert Collin, East kents; John Nurgon, Scots Guards; [J]ames Borthwick, Australian Forces; Alexander Windram, Canadian Forces; M. Macrae, London Regt.; Adam Miller, Australian Forces.



Extract from Berwickshire News and General Advertiser - Tuesday 3 December 1946, page 2:


IT IS INTENDED TO INSCRIBE on the present War Memorial the names of those who gave lives in the W'orld War 1939/45. In order that the necessary arrangements may be made, would relatives or friends of those who made the supreme sacrifice please communicate with the undersigned who requires information as to name, rank and service.

Town Clerk,

Extract from Berwickshire News and General Advertiser - Tuesday 29 March 1949, page 3:

Eyemouth War Memorial

Because the Auld Kirk at Eyemouth was not large enough to hold the congregation on Sunday, March 20, a memorial service to the 26 local men who fell in the last war was relayed by loudspeakers to the crowd grouped around the war memorial outside the church.

After the service, in which all the burgh ministers took part, Lord Haddington, Vice-Lieutenant of Berwickshire, unveiled the memorial.

The service at the memorial was conducted by the Provost, the Rev. D. M. Balsillie.

After paying tribute to those who had made the supreme sacrifice, the Earl of Haddington, who was accompanied by the Countess of Haddington, pulled a cord and the Union Jack fell from the memorial.

Floral tributes were laid by the Provost on behalf of the Town Council, relatives of the fallen, Eyemouth branch of the British Legion, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts. A lament was played by Mr Alex. Thompson, Eyemouth, and three buglers from the Royal Scots sounded “Last Post” and “Reveille.” At the church service organist was Mr. David S. MacDonald. A retiring collection for Earl Haig Fund raised £10.

Eyemouth War Memorial
Photograph Copyright © Mel Gibbs 2019




ANGUS Robert
Trimmer (Seaman) 2906, H.M. Trawler "Agnes and Janet," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died from disease 14 November 1916. Born 3 September 1892 in Eyemouth Berwick. Mother resident Chapel Terrace, Eyemouth, Berwick. In the 1901 census he was aged 9, born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, a scholar, son of James and Ellen Angus, resident Glasgow Terrace, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section H. West. Grave 12.
Private S/3384, 8th (Service) Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Killed in action 25 September 1915. Aged 27. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, enlisted Dunblane, Perthshire. Son of Richard Armstrong, of High St., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on LOOS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. Panel 78 to 83.
Private 20/1215, 20th Battalion (Tyneside Scottish), Northumberland Fusiliers. Killed in action 30 January 1916. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, enlisted Newcastle-On-Tyne. Buried in Y FARM MILITARY CEMETERY, BOIS-GRENIER, Nord, France. Row J. Grave 6.
Private 40098, 2nd Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 8 May 1917. Aged 23. Born, resident and enlisted Eyemouth, Berwick. Son of Mrs. Mary Blackie, of 23, High St., Eyemouth, Ayton, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on ARRAS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. Bay 6.
Private 25590, 7th/8th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 23 July 1918. Born Forgue, Berwick, resident Ayton, Berwick, enlisted Berwick, Northumberland. Buried in BUZANCY MILITARY CEMETERY, Aisne, France. Plot II. Row B. Grave 5.
BORTHWICK James [Lough]
Private 2375, 51st Battalion, Australian Infantry, A.I.F. Died of wounds 3 April 1917. Aged 31. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Educated at Eyemouth School. Son of John and Catherine Borthwick, of 27A, Albert Rd., Eyemouth, Scotland; brother of David Borthwick, of 50, Biddlestone Road, heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Emigrated to Australia 1910. Resident Perth, Western Australia, Australia. A Clerk by trade. Keen athlete. Captain of Perth W.A. Football Club (Association). Sailed for England with 2 to 11 Reinforcements (April 1916 - October 1917), date of embarkation 20 September 1916 at Freemantle, Western Australia, aboard HMAT Uganda A66. Religious denomination Presbyterian. Buried in POZIERES BRITISH CEMETERY, OVILLERS-LA BOISSELLE, Somme, France. Plot II. Row D. Grave 36. Australian Roll of Honour circular
[Listed as Private, King’s Own Scottish Borderers on memorial] Sapper 228745 [SDGW} or WR/355322 [CWGC], Inland Water Transport. Royal Engineers. Died at sea 26 February 1918. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, enlisted Berwick-on-Tweed. No known grave. Commemorated on BASRA MEMORIAL, Iraq. Panel 5 and 61.
Guardsman 13916, 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards. Killed in action 25 September 1916. Born Eyemouth, enlisted Hull. No known grave. Commemorated on THIEPVAL MEMORIAL, Somme, France. Pier and Face 7 D.
Second Hand (Mate) 11069DA, H.M. Drifter "Piscatorial II," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 28 December 1917. Aged 28. Son of Joseph and Jane Collin, of Ebba House, Upper Houndlaw, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 25.
Deck Hand (Seaman) 10993DA, H.M. Trawler "T.W. Mould," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 1 December 1918. Aged 21. Son of James Collin, of 2, Chapel Terrace, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 30.
COLLIN James Robert
[Mate on memorial] Temporary Skipper, Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 7 November 1918. Husband of Agnes Collin, Kerrs Wynd, High Street, Eyemouth; five children. No CWGC record.
Deck Hand (Seaman) 13492/DA, H.M. Drifter "Isabel Colven," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 5 June 1918. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, bermwickshire. Section A. Grave 346.
Private G/14102, 7th Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Killed in action 21 March 1918. Born and resident Eyemouth, Berwicks, Scotland, enlisted Newcastle-On-Tyne, Durham.
COLLIN William
Skipper, H.M. Drifter "Christina Craig.", Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 15 February 1918. Aged 28. Son of Robert and Hellen Collin, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire; husband of Margaret Collin, of Gowanlea, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 30.
COOPER William
Private, Canadians - No further information currently
Seaman, Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section) - No further information currently
COWE Peter
[Listed as Royal Scots on memorial] Private 40892, 17th (Service) Battalion (3rd Glasgow), Highland Light Infantry formerly 2284, Royal Scots. Killed in action 18 November 1916. Aged 34. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, enlisted Haddington. Son of William and Jeanie Cowe, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire; husband of Christina Stewart Cowe, of 11, Newton Port, Haddington. Buried in NEW MUNICH TRENCH BRITISH CEMETERY, BEAUMONT-HAMEL, Somme, France. Row B. Grave 1.
COWE Robert
Second Hand (Mate) 1582SA, H.M. Drifter "Christina Craig," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 15 February 1918. Aged 48. Son of Andrew and Isabella Cowe, of Eyemouth; husband of Christina Cowe, of Gowanlea, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 30.
CRAIG George
Corporal 200832, 1st/4thBattalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action in Egypt 13 November 1917. Aged 25. Born Eyemouth, Berwick, resident Grimsby, Lincoln, enlisted Galashiels, Lincoln (sic). Son of Robert and Elizabeth Craig of 2, George Wynd, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in RAMLEH WAR CEMETERY, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza). Section O. Grave 53.
CRAIG George
Second Hand (Mate) 12515DA, H.M. Drifter "Clover Bank," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 15 February 1918. Aged 50. Son of George Craig, of Eyemouth; husband of Jane Craig, of 2, Spiers Place, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on PORTSMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL, Hampshire. Panel 31.
CRAIG Robert
Lance Corporal 7526, 2nd Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Died of wounds 4 May 1915. Born, resident and enlisted Eyemouth, Berwick. Buried in BOULOGNE EASTERN CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France. Plot VIII. Row B. Grave 33.
Deck hand (Seaman0 11066DA, H.M. Drifter "Piscatorial II," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 28 December 1917. Aged 18. Son of George and Annie Crombie, of Mason's Wynd, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 26.
Private 266508, 1st/6th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-Shire Buffs). Died of wounds 30 April 1917. Aged 33. Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Son of William and Maggie Crombie. Native of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France. Plot XVIII. Row C. Grave 7.
DAVIDSON Walter Robertson
Able Seaman Clyde Z/417, Nelson Battalion Royal Naval Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Died 6 June 1915. No known grave. Commemorated on HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey (including Gallipoli). Panel 8 to 16.
DOUGAL George Leith
Lance Corporal 200254, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borders. Killed in action in Egypt 19 April 1917. Aged 24. Born Eyemouth, Berwick, resident and enlisted Ayton, Berwick. Son of Elizabeth Dougal, of Northburn, Eyemouth, Berwickshire, and the late David Dougal. No known grave. Commemorated on JERUSALEM MEMORIAL, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza). Panels 22 and 23.
[Listed as Mate, Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section) on memorial] Skipper, H.M. Drifter "Isabel Colven," Mercantile Marine Reserve. Died 11 November 1915. Aged 54. Son of Joseph and Margaret Dougal, of Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section G. East Grave 51.
DOUGALL Thomas Arthur
Private 3602, 9th Battalion, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Died of wounds 27 July 1916. Aged 29. Born Eyemouth, Berwicks, resident Edinmouth 9sic), enlisted Edinburgh. Son of David and Jessie Dougall, of Eye View, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in ST. SEVER CEMETERY, ROUEN, Seine-Maritime, France. Plot A. Row 33. Grave 3.
EMSLIE William
Private 7387, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action in the Dardenelles 12 July 1915. Aged 21. Born and resident Eyemouth, Berwick, enlisted Galashiels. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emslie, of Bursa Court, Church St., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey (including Gallipoli). Panel 85 to 93 or 220 to 222.
FAIRBURN Alexander
[Listed as FAIRBAIRN on SDGW and CWGC] Private 13070, 6th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 25 September 1915. Born Eyemouth, Berwick, resident and enlisted Edinburgh, Midlothian. No known grave. Commemorated on LOOS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. Panel 53 to 56.
Private 21510, 7th/8th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 25 December 1916. Aged 47. Born Eyemouth, Berwick, resident and enlisted Edinburgh. Husband of Christina Gibson, of 81, Montgomery St., Edinburgh. No known grave. Commemorated on THIEPVAL MEMORIAL, Somme, France. Pier and Face 4 A and 4 D.
Private 266511, 4th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-Shire Buffs). Killed in action 24 April 1917. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, enlisted Glasgow, Lanarkshire. No known grave. Commemorated on ARRAS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. Bay 8.
JOHNSTON George [Bradford]
Private 7058, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action in Dardenelles 12 July 1915. Aged 24. Born Innerwick, Haddington, resident Earlston, Berwick, enlisted Galashiels, Selkirk. Son of George and Helen Johnston, of Thorn St., Earlston, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey (including Gallipoli). Panel 85 to 93 or 220 to 222.
LOUGH Alexander
Leading Deck Hand (Seaman) 11071DA, H.M. Drifter "Piscatorial II," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 28 December 1917. No knwn grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 26.
LOUGH Robert Rae
Private 200822, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action in Egypt 19 April 1917. Aged 24. Born and resident Eyemouth, Berwick, enlisted Ayton, Berwick. on of George and Jane Lough, of High St., Ayton, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on JERUSALEM MEMORIAL, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza). Panels 22 and 23.
LOUGH Thomas Fisher
Private 16702, 2nd Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 8 May 1917. Aged 20. Born, resident and enlisted Eyemouth, Berwick. Son of William and Ann Lough, of Eyemouth Mill Cottage, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on ARRAS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. Bay 6.
LOUGH William [Waddell]
[Memorial lists him as Lance Corporal, King’s Own Scottish Borderers] Private 200753, 1st/4th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers. Died of wounds in Egypt 2 December 1917. Aged 21. Born and resident Eyemouth, Berwick, enlisted Galashiels, Selkirk. Son of John and Jane Ritchie Lough, of Chapel Terrace, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in KANTARA WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERY, Egypt. Section E. Grave 176.
MACRAE Farquhar Mathieson
Private 2456, 1st/13th Kensington Battalion, London Regiment. Died 9 May 1915. Aged 32. Son of Mrs. A. M. Macrae, of Spring Bank, Eyemouth, Berwickshire, and the late Mr. J. C. C. Macrae. No known grave. Commemorated on PLOEGSTEERT MEMORIAL, Hainaut, Belgium. Panel 10.
Seaman, Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section) the only record for William MALTMAN is Died 1917. Attested 4 May 1915 at Newcastle-on-Tyne, as 18483, Scottish Rifles, resident Eyemouth, aged 25 years, a Tailor, single, height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 113 lbd, chest 33-35 inches. Discharged 28 May 1915 as "Not being likely to become an efficient soldier", King's Regulation, para. 392 (iii)(c). Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire.
Private 1864, 9th Battalion, Australian Infantry, A.I.F. Killed in action near Messines 21 December 1917. Aged 34. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Son of Adam Miller, of Paradise, Coldingham, Berwickshire, Scotland, and the late Isabella Gibson Miller. Resident Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Educated Eyemouth Public School, Berwickshire. Tailor's Cutter by trade. Working as a Labourer. Emigrated to Australia 4 April 1912. Professional Footballer. Religious denomination Presbyterian. Enlisted 17 December 1914. Sailed with the 9 Infantry Battalion - 1 to 9 Reinforcements (December 1914 - September 1915) 8 April 1915 from brisbane aboard HMAT Star of England A15. No known grave. Commemorated on YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Panel 7 - 17 - 23 - 25 - 27 - 29 - 31. Australian Roll of Honour circular
MILLER Thomas Murray
Second Lieutenant, 7th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 27 January 1916. Aged 21. Son of the Rev. and Mrs. John Miller, of the United Free Church Manse, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in MAZINGARBE COMMUNAL CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France. Grave 19.
PATERSON Alexander
[PATTERSON on CGWC] Deck Hand [Seaman} 11020DA, H.M. Trawler "St. Ives," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 21 December 1916. Aged 18. Son of Robert and Elizabeth Patterson, of St. Ellas Place, Eyemouth, Ayton, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 19.
[PATTERSON on CGWC] Private 200241, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action in Egypt 19 April 1917. Born and resident Eyemouth, Berwick, enlisted Ayton, Berwick. Buried in GAZA WAR CEMETERY, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza). Plot VII. Row B. Grave 2.
PATERSON James Ewart
[PATTERSON on SDGW] Private 31563, 6th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 30 September 1918. Aged 19. Born and resident Eyemouth, Berwick, enlisted Berwick, Northumberland. Son of William and Isabella Paterson, of 1, St. Ellas Place, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in LEDEGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Grave lost. Special memorial 2.
PATERSON Alexander
[Listed as Private, S.R. on memorial] Private 51129, 1st Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Died on service 3 November 1917. Born Eyemouth, Berwickshire, resident leith, enlisted Edinburgh. Buried in FAVREUIL BRITISH CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France. Plot II. Row A. Grave 27.
Trimmer (Seaman) 5167/TS, H.M.S. "Gunner," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 25 December 1918. Aged 33. Son of William and Margaret Patterson; husband of Isabella Patterson, of Glens Buildings, Albert Rd., Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section G. East Grave 69.
RENTON Francis Wallace Home
Lieutenant, 8th Battalion, Border Regiment. Killed in action 30 August 1816. Aged 29. Son of the late Brig. Surgeon Lt. Col. David Renton, M.D. (15th Hussars). Native of Edinburgh. Got his 1st XV. Rugby Football Cap at Sedbergh School, Sedbergh, Yorks. Buried in BLIGHTY VALLEY CEMETERY, AUTHUILLE WOOD, Somme, France. Plot I. Row D. Grave 19.
RITCHIE David [Windram]
[Listed as David Windrain RITCHIE on SDGW] Private 7724, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action in the Dardanelles 12 July 1915. Aged 19. Born, resident and enlisted Eyemouth, Berwick. Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie, of Bursa Court, Church St., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey (including Gallipoli). Panel 85 to 93 or 220 to 222.
ROBERTSON, MC Leonard Dougal
Lieutenant, 1st/4th (The Border) Battalion (Territorial), King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 13 November 1917. Aged 33. Born at Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Son of Alexander and Jane Dougal Robertson, of Eastfield Cottage, Dunbar, East Lothian. Awarded the Military Cross (M.C.). Buried in RAMLEH WAR CEMETERY, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza). Section P. Grave 25.
SANDISON Eric William Wright
Second Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion attached 15th Battalion, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Died on service 18 November 1916. Aged 24. Son of the late Magnus Sandison, of Highlaws, Ayton, Berwickshire, and of Mary Helen MacGregor Sandison. Buried in WIMEREUX COMMUNAL CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France. Plot III. Row H. Grave 1.
Lieutenant, 7th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Killed in action 21 July 1918. Aged 47. Son of William and Sarah Spouse; husband of Margaret Spouse, of 415, Holly Lodge, Vancouver, British Columbia. Born 8 August 1875 in Eyemouth, Scotland. Schoolmaster by trade. Married. Enlisted 16 May 1916 in Vancouver, Canada, aged 41, height 5 feet 11 inches, weight 168 lbs, chest 38½-42 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, golden hair, religious denomination Church of England. Sailed from Halifax aboard S.S. Justicia 3 May 1917. Buried in BELLACOURT MILITARY CEMETERY, RIVIERE, Pas de Calais, France. Plot III. Row B. Grave 7. National Archives of Canada Accession Reference: Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9202 - 7
STOTT Daniel
Second Hand (Mate) 5758/DA, H.M.S. "Victory," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 11 September 1918. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section G. East Grave 69.
Trimmer (Seaman) 2918/TS, H.M.S. "Idaho," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 22 April 1919. Aged 21. Son of James and Helen Swanston, of 20, Harbour Rd., Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section A. Grave 283.
Trimmer (Seaman) 2896/TS, H.M. Drifter "Prosperity," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 2 February 1916. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section E. West. Grave 133.
Lance Corporal 200962, 5/6th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Killed in action 3 October 1918. Born Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, resident Eyemouth, enlisted Alloa. Awarded the Military Medal (M.M.). No known grave. Commemorated on VIS-EN-ARTOIS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. Panel 6.
Engineman (Seaman) 2902/TS, H.M.S. "Vivid," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 29 September 1918. Aged 46. Husband of Alice Waddell, of Glens Buildings, Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section G. East Grave 30.
Private S/12573, 14th Battalion, Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). Killed in action 6 September 1916. Aged 22. Born and residet Eyemouth, Berwicks, enlisted Edinburgh, Midlothian. Son of Hannah Waddell, of 29, Albert Rd., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in MAROC BRITISH CEMETERY, GRENAY, Pas de Calais, France. Plot I. Row K. Grave 28.
WAIT John Scott
Private 566, 1st/4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Died 12 July 1915. Aged 20. Son of James Wait, of 60, High St., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey (including Gallipoli). Panel 85 to 93 or 220 to 222.
WINDRAM Alexander
Private 790686, 7th Battalion, Canadian Infantry. Killed in action 9 April 1917. Aged 38. Born 21 February 1881 in Eyemouth, Berwickshire, Scotland. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Windram, St, Clairs, Eyemouth, Berwickshire; husband of Mary Windram, of Fraser Mills, British Columbia. Attested 22 February 1916 in New Westminster, British Columbia, aged 35, height 5 feet 7½ inches, weight 145 lbs, chest 35-37 inches,medium complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, religious denomination Presbyterian. Steam fitter by trade. Embarked at Halifax, Nova Scotia 1 November 1916, disembarked Liverpool 11 November 1916. Buried in ARRAS ROAD CEMETERY, ROCLINCOURT, Pas de Calais, France. Plot I. Row A. Grave 11. National Archives of Canada Accession Reference: Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 10491 - 48
Deck Hand (Seaman), H.M.M.S. "Blackmorevale," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 1 May 1918. Aged 34. Son of Margaret Cowe Windram, of 8, Chapel St., Eyemouth, and the late John Windram; husband of Agnes Lough Windram, of 17, George St., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 21.
Corporal 629127, 47th Battalion, Canadian Infantry. Killed in action 16 March 1917. Aged 33. Born 6 March 1884 in Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Son of Mrs Isabella Windram, of Angus May House, Albert Road, Eyemouth, berwickshire. husband of Mrs. Sophia McKenzie Windram. Resident Fraser Mills, British Cilumbia, Canada. Millwirhgt by trade. Married. Attested 18 August 1915 in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, aged 31 years 5 months, height 5 feet 7¾ inches, chest 36½-39&frac; inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, fair hair, religious denomination Presbyterian. Emabrked Montreal, Canada 13 November 1915 aboard S.S. Missanabie, disembarked Plymouth 22 November 1915, arrived Havre, France 11 August 1916. Promoted Corporal 8 janauary 1917 in the field. No known grave. Commemorated on VIMY MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France. National Archives of Canada Accession Reference: Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 10491 - 49
Lieutenant, 4th (The Border) Battalion (Territorial), King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Killed in action 13 November 1917. Aged 26. Son of John Wood (Solicitor) and Rebecca J. Wood, of Victoria House, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Went to France with 1st Bn. London Scottish in Sept., 1914. Served also on Gallipoli and in Egypt. Buried in RAMLEH WAR CEMETERY, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza). Section P. Grave 24.
YOUNG Alexander [Collin]
Trimmer (Seaman) 5425TS, H.M. Drifter "Piscatorial II," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 28 December 1917. Aged 24. Son of Helen Young, of St. Ellas Wynd, Eyemouth, Ayton, Berwickshire, and the late Archibald Young. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 27.
YOUNG Andrew Carr
Deck Hand (Seaman) 5760DA, H.M. Drifter "Christina Craig," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 15 February 1918. Aged 28. Son of John and Janet Young, of Masons Wynd, Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 31.
YOUNG William
Deck Hand (Seaman) 5762DA, H.M. Drifter "Christina Craig," Royal Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). Died 15 February 1918. Aged 29. Son of the late William and Margaret Hamilton Young, of Eyemouth; husband of Elizabeth Stevenson Young, of George St., Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL, Kent. Panel 31.



AITCHISON Alexander Swanston
Flying Officer (Pilot) 127205, 247 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 14 February 1944. Aged 22. Son of Alexander and Alice Aitchison, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. B.Sc. (Edin.). Buried in ORLEANS MAIN CEMETERY, Loiret, France. Plot 2. Row A. Grave 24.
AITCHISON James [Dougal]
Sergeant (Observer) 563022, 9 Squadron, Royal Air Force. Died 12 April 1940. Aged 25. Son of David and Elizabeth Crombie Aitchison, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL, Surrey. Panel 11.
Able Seaman, S.S. Crichtoun (Leith), Merchant Navy. Died between 18 March 1945 and 19 March 1945. Aged 30. Son of Hendry and Helen Anderson; husband of Janet Anderson, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London. Panel 33.
BORTHWICK Christopher [Watson]
Seaman LT/JX 185816, H.M. Trawler Michael Griffiths, Royal Naval Patrol Service. Died 7 May 1940. Aged 29. Son of Alexander and Mary Borthwick, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in SOUTHPORT (DUKE STREET) CEMETERY, Lancashire. Plot C. Collective grave 1. (Screen Wall. Panel 1.).
BURGON William Walker
Pilot Officer 61962, 74 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 9 June 1941. Aged 24. Son of John and Isabella Burgon of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. B.A. No known grave. Commemorated on RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL, Surrey. Panel 31.
CHAPMAN James Robert
Fisherman. Chief Engineer, Steam Trawler Ben Glamair (North Shields), Fishing Fleet. Died 17 July 1941. Agede 44. Husband of Mary G. Chapman, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London. Panel 123.
COLLIN Richard
Fisherman - No further information currently available
Guardsman 2695231, 1st Battalion, Scots Guards. Died 9 February 1944. Son of Andrew W. and Sarah Collin, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in BEACH HEAD WAR CEMETERY, ANZIO, Italy. Plot XXI. Row D. Grave 6.
CRAIG George
Able Seaman, Merchant Navy - No further information currently available
Seaman LT/JX192216, H.M.S. Fortitude, Royal Naval Patrol Service. Died 20 December 1941. Aged 28. Son of Peter and Catherine Craig, of Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section G. East. Grave 82.
Seaman LT/JX 215822, H.M. Trawler Loch Inver, Royal Naval Patrol Service. Died 22 September 1940. Aged 26. Son of David and Jessie Dougal; husband of Alice Charlotte Dougal, of South Shields, Co. Durham. No known grave. Commemorated on LOWESTOFT NAVAL MEMORIAL, Suffolk. Panel 2, Column 2.
FISHBOURNE Robert Dougal
Flight Sergeant 1563017, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 15 April 1945. Aged 24. Son of Morrel Rudolph McKenzie Fishbourne and Janet Fishbourne, of Eyemouth; husband of Jeanie Y. Fishbourne, of Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section D. East. Grave 32.
FOXTON John Maltman
Gunner, Royal Artillery - No further information currently available
GILLESPIE Robert [John]
Driver T/14704616, Royal Army Service Corps. Died 23 May 1944. Aged 42. Son of William and Janet Gillespie, of Eyemouth; husband of Margaret Craig Gillespie, of Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section F. West. Grave 158.
HENDERSON Thomas James
Private 14327560, 7th (Airborne) Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Died 18 September 1944. Aged 20. Son of David and Violet May Henderson, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in ARNHEM OOSTERBEEK WAR CEMETERY, Gelderland, Netherlands. Plot 1. Row B. Grave 20.
HUGHES James Finlay
Sergeant 965678, 77 Squadron, Royal Air Force. Died 2 May 1941. No known grave. Commemorated on RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL, Surrey. Panel 45.
Fisherman. Chief Engineer, Fishing Vessel Noreen Mary (Granton), Fishing Fleet. Died 5 July 1944. Aged 53. Son of Cornelious and Margaret Jackson; husband of Mary Ann Jackson, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London. Panel 127.
Com’d. Skipper, Royal Naval Reserve. Died 25 September 1943. Aged 58. Husband of Henrietta Jamieson, of Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section D. East. Grave 61.
LOUGH George
Flying Officer (Pilot) 135439, 228 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 13 June 1943. Aged 20. Son of James and Margaret W. Lough, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL, Surrey. Panel 125.
LOUGH Harry Nelson
Writer C/MX69586, H.M.S. Dragon, Royal Navy. Died 3 November 1942. Aged 22. Son of Harry Nelson and Margaret Stewart Lough, of Eyemouth. Buried in EYEMOUTH CEMETERY, Berwickshire. Section G. East. Grave 34.
LOUGH William Stewart
Flight Lieutenant (Pilot) 128494, 265 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 20 August 1944. No known grave. Commemorated on ALAMEIN MEMORIAL, Egypt. Column 279.
MEEK William Alexander
Able Seaman, S.S. Benalbanach (Leith), Merchant Navy. Died 07 January 1943. Aged 27. No known grave. Commemorated on TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London. Panel 16.
Cadet, S.S. Benvorlich (Leith), Merchant Navy. Died 19 March 1941. Aged 18. Son of Robert and Catherine Cormack Purves, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. No known grave. Commemorated on TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London. Panel 16.
RAMSAY James Owen
Leading Aircraftman 1050595, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 29 January 1945. Aged 35. Son of Janet Bishop Ramsay; husband of Margaret R. Ramsay, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in LABUAN WAR CEMETERY, Malaysia. Plot U. Row A. Grave 2.
STEBBING Archibald [Chisholm]
Lance Corporal 3189993, 4th Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Died 4 April 1945. Aged 27. Son of John Scott Stebbing and Jane Ann Stebbing, of Ayton, Berwickshire. Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Plot 62. Row H. Grave 13.
Fisherman - Deck hand, Fishing Vessel Maisie (Berwick), Fishing Fleet. Died 21 September 1945. Aged 43. Son of John and Elizabeth Young Thompson. No known grave. Commemorated on TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London. Panel 127.
Flight Sergeant, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve possibly George Sinclair Wishart, Sergeant 1551786, 218 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 23 May 1943. Son of S. J. and Ina Wishart, of Eyemouth, Berwickshire. Buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Plot 3. Row D. Grave 4.
Ordinary Signalman, Royal Navy - No further information currently available
Egypt 1952
Leading Aircraftman 3131799, R.A.F. Fayid, Royal Air Force. Died 29 January 1952. Aged 19. Born 1 October 1932. Buried in FAYID MILITARY CEMETRY, Egypt. Plot 13. Row B. Grave 28.
Iraq 2005
WILLIAMS David [Edward]

Corporal R8250127, R.A.F. Lyneham, Royal Air Force. Killed when his aircraft, a C-130K Hercules aircraft flying over Iraq, was shot down 30 January 2005. Aged 37. Born 21 August 1967 in Dumfriesshire. Married with 3 young children. With Royal Air Force for 17 years.

See Ministry of Defence Communique 1 February 2005.

Last updated 30 July, 2021

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